Oh my.... how I LOVE a GREAT mail day! Before I went to Houston I noticed (well more than noticed) the the beautiful thread cone holders were on sale at Connecting Threads.
I've wanted one of these since the first time I saw them! So pretty and I have these SUPER nice @Aurifil Thread Cones that fit PERFECTLY on the holder... don't you love it?
Do you have one? No? you can get one here and they do have other styles!
So today my brain just needs to sew.. really it does... so that is what I'm doing all afternoon... I had a weird seam allowance issue last night so might need to UNSEW first... maybe I don't have to ..do you get that way? wondering if you can make it work without unsewing?
Before I forget... Be sure to read my post from this morning and get in on the giveaway fun!