Guest - This whole show is about the quilters in South Africa. While teaching at the first International Quilt Conference Africa, I was able to meet the other teachers and it was delightful to interview several of them. American Patchwork & Quilting Editor Jennifer Keltner was also at the show and we had did these togehter. Our first guest is quilt teacher Wilna De Beer. She is vibrant, enthusiastic and excited about quilting. She actually is a full time teacher, so you'll have to listen in to how she runs her workshops. I wanted to take her class!
Bio -
Guest - Dena Crain is an active instructor and art quilter living in Kenya. Dena's style is gorgeous and her method of teaching amazing. She is actively teaching all around the globe including online courses at Quilt University
Guest - The team of Wendy Burtenshaw and Suzen Bornman are amazing and delightful! They also teach all over and their mission to bring new and exciting elements into quilting. They are also pattern designers and love to include mixed techniques, such as the quilt in the photo that has crocheted flowers. You are going to love them!
Last segment - American Patchwork & Quilting editor Jennifer Keltner and I recap with our impressions of Quilting in South Africa, the people and the show!
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