Angela Yosten is brilliant.. just Brilliant!
Her newest book is geared to boys... and I LOVE IT! She has such a clever idea to mix up road signs, railroad crossings and other things into fun and functional quilts, bags and even a shower curtain for boys. (big boys too!). I interviewed Angela on the Radio August 6, 2012 and we chatted about the book.
CLICK HERE to listen on your computer, or download to a player!
I LOVE the Route 66 sign... as I have a LONG love affair with this highway.
Before you 'cruise' on down the list of prior blog stops below to get inside scoops on the book projects.... I am going to share a few of my favorite Route 66 finds
First you have to know there is a WEBSITE for Route 66 HERE
How about the Wigwam Hotel ... park next to your tent!
How about some car art?
A few drive ins? I miss those!
And some Great Icecream spots!
Now how would YOU like to own Angela's book?
*** Tell me YOUR Favorite Car Travel Memory
Comments open until midnight Aug 17
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