Michele Foster and I have been buddies a LONG time! She is witty and bright and runs a wonderful website ALL about quilt bloggers! AND she has the most adorable puppy.. I can't get enough of his photos! Put a dog or a cat on a quilt and instant love!
What quilt is on your bed?
The quilt currently on my bed doesn't really have a name, and it doesn't even have a label! I think it was the second quilt I ever made about 20 or so years ago. It's a simple nine patch with alternating blocks in a solid colour. No pattern was used, I just made it up as I went along. It is pillow-turned and tied. Also shown in the photo is my Happy Memories quilt .. the bedroom is cold some nights. Oh and Milo of course too!
I fell in love with the flower fabric, oh how my tastes have since changed over the years. I bought enough of that fabric to also make 8 place mats, a wall hanging and another appliqué wall hanging too. I finally used up the last scrap of that fabric recently as a backing for another quilt. Good riddance!
Fast forward to the present, I'm currently working on a massive scrappy bed quilt in the top photo. I would love to have this done before Fall arrives again.
What is your favorite TV show or Movie?
I have two: Charmed and Gilmour Girls Sadly, both shows are no longer on the air, but they are still my favourites.
Do you sneak cookies in bed or keep a hidden stash of chocolate the family can't find?
Pre-puppy yes... cookies, chips, popcorn or crackers and cheese. Now, with Milo, only if I want to share. He's such a mooch!
Emergency chocolate is stored in the freezer, but last night after finishing my taxes, it's all gone!
visit Michele's Blog to see what she says about my book http://quiltinggallery.com
And leave a comment at her blog for a chance to win a copy of my book
AND leave me a comment for another chance..
Do you have a Quilt Question you want answered?
come back tomorrow and meet Victoria Findlay Wolfe!
The tour Schedule Tuesday May 1
Wednesday May 2
Bonnie Hunter http://quiltville.blogspot.com/
Thursday May 3
Victoria http://bumblebeansinc.blogspot.com/
Rachel http://www.psiquilt.com/
Friday May 4
Saturday May 5
Vicki Welsh http://vickiwelsh.typepad.com/
Check out Leisure Arts blog http://leisureartsblog.blogspot.com/