Next up on the book tour is Vanessa Christenson! Vanessa has a clean style that I love. I admire how she can create an amazing project within a modern format that I adore. She is also a brand new fabric designer with Moda.. so she and I will be hanging out at the Moda booth in a few weeks at the trade show!
What quilt is on your bed?
the quilt on my bed is a simple vintage sheet quilt, I gathered vintage sheets and then added a few fabric squares to tie the colors together. It’s my favorite quilt, and I sleep with it every night…(the feet belong to her little boy!)
What is your favorite TV show or Movie?
The big bang theory. I love comedy, and anything that I can quote throughout the day. Big bang theory is awesomely good!
Do you sneak cookies in bed or keep a hidden stash of chocolate the family can't find?
Dark chocolate chips is my secret treat. When I make cookies they disappear super fast, but when I have the chocolate chips just in the cupboard no one seems to think it’s allowed to eat them. And that’s okay because it just means more chocolate chips for me!
visit Vanessa's blog to see what she says about my book CLICK HERE
And leave a comment at her blog for a chance to win a copy of my book
AND leave me a comment for another chance..
Have you checked out Vanessa's blog before?
come back tomorrow morning and meet Bonnie Hunter!
The tour Schedule
Tuesday May 1
Wednesday May 2
Bonnie Hunter
Thursday May 3
Friday May 4
Saturday May 5
Vicki Welsh